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Inbound Marketing Conference 2013. Why Marketing Leaders Must Attend!

Posted by Jeshua Zapata on Aug 5, 2013 11:15:00 AM

INBOUND_conferenceLast year, the Xzito team attended the HubSpot’s INBOUND 2012 Conference, and we had a BLAST! Besides receiving some certifications, we got tons of  valuable information about the newest HubSpot’s tools and valuable insights on improving and streamlining our online marketing processes to better serve our clients. Interested in learning how to get 50% OFF your ticket to atttend this great conference? Continue reading!


If you are thinking about attending HubSpot’s inbound marketing conference this year, please allow me to share with you the top 5 reasons why top marketing and sales leaders like you need to attend.

Reason 1. Top-Notch Keynote Speakers

You’ll learn from and be inspired by the best in the industry! They include Nate Silver, the New York Times' blogger and world-renowned statistician, who successfully predicted the winner of the 2008 presidential elections in all 49 states, to Seth Godin, Scott Harrison, Nancy Duarte, Ann Handley, Dan Lyons, Marcus Sheridan, David Meerman Scott and more! 

Reason 2. Network with brilliant marketers & shorten your learning curve.

There will be not hundreds if not thousand of people like YOU, who are hungry for fresh new ways to improve and grow their businesses, processes and departments. At some point they experienced or are experiencing the same challenges and successes. So, shorten your learning curve, and just ASK. You’ll never know who you’ll meet.

Reason 3.  Product Updates

HubSpot’s inbound marketing software is rapidly evolving. We have to do the same. At INBOUND 2013, you’ll have a chance to chat with HubSpot’s development team. They’ll be giving demos, sharing tips, answering questions, and just showing you how the platform works. Do you still have that burning question on that HubSpot’s tool?

Reason 4. Attend instructive Internet marketing workshops

At INBOUND 2013 you’ll have the opportunity to attend workshops than will not only be informative but will also provide actionable tips that will dramatically improve your marketing and sales results. Topics will range from how to best use HubSpot’s inbound marketing software to successfully launch a product to helping you combine traditional offline marketing with Internet marketing to transform nonprofit marketing and much more!

Reason 5. Well… Some fun’s not bad

After hours and hours of valuable information, you’ll get a change to let loose and unwind. From a night of parties on Boylston Street to happy hours at Club INBOUND to an epic concert from Grammy-nominated One Republic exclusively to INBOUND 2013 attendees. What are you waiting for?


  • are a CEO, Marketing or Sales professional
  • want to increase traffic, leads, and customer conversions
  • are ready to move faster than the tough competitors you face every day
  • want to maximize your value to your company and marketplace

We highly recommend that you attend INBOUND 2013. Get your ticket now and register!

Get 50% OFF your ticket. Use the Discount Code: XzitoVIP. No questions asked. 

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