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3 Great Tips for Startups in Need of Business Leads

Posted by Jairo Gomez on Jun 24, 2016 3:00:00 PM

business leads

Business leads sometimes seem elusive, especially for startups without much experience under their belts. However, you don't have to rest on your laurels as your conversion rates plummet. Instead, use these strategies to generate more business leads and gain more opportunities to close the sale.

1. Start Connecting on Social Media

Business leads

Get your whole team involved with your social media presence.

As FE International co-founder Thomas Smale points out in his article for Entrepreneur magazine, social media offers an effective and completely free option for startups that want access to quick business leads. Invest your time instead of your money in creating connections with potential customers and building your social presence for future connections.

Start by following other thought leaders in your industry and commenting on their posts. When a prospective or existing customer reaches out to you on Facebook or Twitter, respond immediately to establish rapport. Over time, you can turn your social media accounts into lead-generating machines that also help you with customer service, branding, and backlinks.

Shale recommends platforms that focus on visual marketing, such as Instagram and Pinterest. Photographs and videos help create emotional connections between your startup and other users. Plus, they tend to garner more shares and likes than text-based media.

2. Create Informative Content

Business leads

Content is king, so start brainstorming.

Consumers all over the world perform more than 3.5 billion Google searches in every 24-hour period. At least a few of those searches could lead interested consumers to your website, but only if there's something to find. Every business needs content marketing if they want to get found on the web.

Create interesting, informative content that will help your prospects solve problems. In addition to attracting eyes from people who conduct Google searches, it will also help establish a foundation for loyalty. Consumers appreciate businesses that lend them helping hands when they have questions or problems, so be there with an answer.

3. Start an Email List

It's never too early to start an email list. Even if you only have two subscribers -- and even if those two subscribers are your mother and father -- you'll have created a system that will support more subscribers when they inevitably find your business and decide they're interested in what you have to say.

Create a practical email schedule that won't irritate your audience or let them forget you. Create useful content for each email and add a compelling CTA (call to action) at the end of each one. You'll get more leads if you pursue inbound marketing strategies like email lists because you've received permission from the recipient and because you're providing something of value.

Startups sometimes struggle to generate business leads in the early days, but you'll quickly gain steam if you focus on proactive strategies. To give your startup a better chance of success, schedule a consultation. We'd love to help your startup rise to the top of its industry.


Topics: Customer Acquisition, RevStrategy, Sales

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