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Growth Blog

What is Internet Marketing?

Posted by Jairo Gomez on Sep 25, 2012 10:24:00 AM

What is internet marketing? As the Internet Marketing Director at Xzito, I get a lot of blank faces when I explain what I do. So, "what is it that you do?", people ask me at networking events or at friends gatherings. "Well, I take care of the Internet Marketing for Xzito and our customers; I manage Pay-Per-Click and Search Engine Optimization campaigns and other online strategies to help our customers be found online." When I am about to go into more details, I notice the blank face and ask: "Do you know what is internet Marketing?" Often times, the answer is: "No". I find this to be very interesting, because the Internet is revolutionizing the way us, consumers, buy products and services, and companies are using it to their advantage. 

So, what is internet marketing? Internet marketing is a series of marketing strategies done online to expose a business to the 273,067,546* people (only in North America) searching the web. So, when you "Google" a product or service, the companies that show up in the search results are doing some type of internet marketing. If you are a business owner or a marketing director, are you showing up on these search results? is your company being found online?

Internet marketing strategies include Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Blogging, Email Marketing, Video Marketing and Social Media. You can find more details on each of these strategies in our previous article: 7 Explosive Online Strategies to Make Your Business Boom.

Now that you know what is internet marketing, the question becomes, how can you get started? Stay tuned for our next blog article: How can I get started with internet marketing? 

Feel free to ask any questions and or leave any comments below. We will be more than happy to assist you.


Sources * Internet World Stats  

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