
The Risks of DIY Adwords Management

Written by Jairo Gomez | Jun 9, 2015 7:55:00 PM

If you're a do-it-yourselfer by nature, you've probably read about the benefits of adwords (PPC advertising) and thought to yourself, "Heck, I can look up some hot keywords, write some killer ads, and pay to get them hosted." Yes, you could do that -- but if you don't know how to do it right, you'll probably end up losing money instead of making it. And to do it right, you need the help of a professional adwords management provider. Let's examine why.

The Complexities of Adwords

Adwords is a world unto itself, and not an easily comprehended one either. You may get the basic principles and have some practice with Google's Keyword Tool, but that isn't the same thing as understanding the details of a highly technical and strategic line of work. Simply deciding how to target your campaigns geographically can make all the difference for your budget, your chosen ad groups, and your final results. You must also know how to structure a landing page so that it's relevant enough to fetch a decent conversion rate.

Then there's the lingo to be sorted out, from acronyms such as CPM and CPA to actions such as "impressions," "hits," and "retargeting." Last but not least, there' the little detail of finding the most effective keywords at the right price, and then tracking the performance of those keywords through the use of sophisticated online metrics. If your billable time is worth any value at all to yourself and your organization, you probably don't have time to take a crash course in PPC 101 -- and even if you did, how effective do you think that education will be compared to the years of experience a PPC professional provide?

Time is money -- and a PPC manager can help you optimize both.

Ad Copy Matters Too

Even a seemingly straightforward task such as crafting your ad copy is probably better left to the experts. It's all too easy to fall into the trap of writing purely to boost your superficial Web traffic, for instance, when those numbers are only a part of the total equation. All that extra attention may or may not translate into actual conversions. You have to craft ads that send just the right message to seduce the ideal prospects for your products and services, and that requires advanced knowledge of how these ads work. That's why you should leave the ad writing to adwords management firms that understand what kinds of verbiage have historically yielded results for your industry and your competitors -- because that's the kind of copy you need working for you.

The right ad copy can attract more profitable traffic.

An Industry in Flux

PPC is a moving target in today's fast-paced digital marketing world. Search engine algorithms are adjusted to prefer one type of usage over another, new types of devices call for new advertising approaches, and one trend edges out another on a near-constant basis. Keeping up with all this flux is not a job for a part-timer or dilettante. The only way you can make sure your PPC methods are current is by investing in a professional adwords management partner who focuses 100 percent on keeping abreast of the latest trends and technologies, monitoring their clients' campaigns with an eagle eye and making major or minor adjustments in the blink of an eye. You'll enjoy even better results if you choose a provider with a wealth of experience in adwords management for your particular industry or market segment.

Just as you would hopefully rely on skilled full-time professionals to handle complex tax questions, perform major surgery, or provide legal representation in the courtroom, it only makes sense to leave a thorny and changeable a task as adwords management to the PPC managers. The good news is that you'll have that much more time to do what you do best for your organization, while knowing that you're getting the optimal ROI for your online advertising dollar. Contact us to learn how we can help you.