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Growth Blog

Social Media’s Push and Pull Marketing

Posted by Jeshua Zapata on Sep 22, 2015 10:53:00 PM

push-and-pull-marketingPush and Pull Marketing. Companies work hard to answer the 4 cosmic questions of Brand-building and Positioning (PUSH)… 

  1. What kind of company are you?
  2. Why is what you offer, and the problems you solve better than your competitors?
  3. What kind of person or company trusts and buys from you?
  4. How easy do you make it for buyers to buy?

In our connected economy, people rely on referrals and reviews from peers, friends and other trusted sources. And, Social Media is where “PULL” happens.

It’s where prospective buyers find out what your audience really believes. It’s where dirty laundry is hung out for all to see, gripes are aired, and where confidence in a product or company is reinforced. That’s why Yelp, Angies List, Facebook, Twitter, Consumer Reports and buyer reviews are so critical.

Powerful brands like Apple, Southwest Airlines, Starbucks, and Harley-Davidson and Amazon work hard to keep answering the questions, every day. With the avalanche of info reaching buyers, break through by acting as much like entertainers as they do like educators. 

What are your answers to the 4 four questions? How well does your Website, Blog, Newsletter and Social Media connect with prospects, buyers, and influencers? Do others link to your content? If you were to ask each member of your company to answer the 4 questions, would their answers be the same?

Want a full evaluation about how your online marketing answers the questionsschedule a conversation with Xzito. Tell us what you’d like us to cover in future Xzito Growth Hacks. And don’t forget to share with us your findings by sharing it on our social channels: LinkedInFacebookTwitter.

Topics: Customer Acquisition

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